These last few months haven’t been the easiest, especially for our economy. The COVID-19 pandemic quickly swept the nation and forced too many businesses to temporarily close, migrate to only mobile and web transactions or inherit contact-less and curbside pickups and deliveries.
Regardless of the types of changes we may have been forced to make during this unprecedented time in our history, nearly all of us are now looking at our operating expenses through a new lens.
With a team of industry veterans and more than four decades of experience, On The Mark Payments is working with our clients to implement innovative credit card acceptance programs offering several key advantages that are particularly meaningful in the current landscape.
Retail and service businesses of all sizes, but particularly small businesses, want to continue accepting credit cards for their products and services. They just can no longer absorb the fees.
Our CardX Surcharge Program is the #1 name in the game when it comes to zero cost. This program is one of the best cost-saving options that is quickly and easily implemented. With CardX, a merchant’s customers absorb the fee if they choose a credit card for convenience or rewards. They also have the option of using a low-cost debit card to not incur an additional fee. You, the merchant, keep 100% of every credit card sale and only pay for debit card transactions.
CardX is fully compliant! Our turn-key solution complies with all the rules and automatically has you covered. This is a cost-saving solution for many types of businesses. Current clients using this program include non-profits, mechanics, dry cleaners, law firms and accountants, grocery stores and delis, veterinarians, and hair salons.
While getting back to business in the coming days and weeks will be undoubtedly challenging, we can all work together to hopefully make it a little easier. Programs like these are meant to help and we are here standing in support. Let us know how we can help your business by calling 732.230.7702.